The turkey has fallen, the family departed, the sun has yet to rise above the horizon as you head to your vending machine; Black Friday, Carvana’s single busiest day of the year, is here.  Hoards of Carvana customers will soon arrive in anticipation of picking up their new ride, are you prepared to make sure they all have a five-star experience? Load up the hauler, deliver the cars, and ensure you are ready to handle the occasional returns.  The customers know only one thing, they want the cars, and YOU have them.  

Load your hauler with a customer’s car and move between lanes delivering them before they reach the end of the carpet.  A customer without a car is certain to leave you a bad review. From time to time a customer will decide to return a vehicle he’s bought, be sure to let it return to the garage or load it up on an empty hauler; beware the collisions which will occur when a returning vehicle meets a full loader, or another delivery in progress.  Survive ten levels and you will help drive Carvana to new heights, and beyond!


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